Monthly Meetings

The Global Digital Health Network holds regular meetings–both in-person and virtual–each month to discuss promising approaches, challenges and lessons learned, where invited speakers present on topics of interest to the group. The Network also hosts deep dives to further explore important topics in a hands-on context. Presentation slides and meeting recaps are shared on the Network listserv so members are informed of both the presentation topics and discussion among participants.

Monthly Meetings

USAID’s Digital Health Position Paper: A Snapshot of Policy in Practice

USAID’s Digital Health Position Paper (2024-2029) lays out a strategic vision to guide the global health programmatic investments of the world’s premier development agency. Join us for a webinar on October 22nd from 9:00 to 10:00am ET launching the Position Paper, and opening a conversation about what this policy looks like in practice. Featured speakers […]

Meet Dr. David Akpan: Receipt of the 2023 Marc Mitchell Award for Leadership and Innovation

Dr. David Akpan is the Deputy Director, Programs, and Impact at eHealth Africa (eHA). He was awarded the Marc Mitchell Leadership and Innovation Award at the 2023 Global Digital Health Forum. He is an astute enthusiast of digital health, playing a pivotal role in healthcare delivery efficiency and achieving the universal healthcare targets. We interviewed […]

Call for applications and nominations for the Marc Mitchell Innovation and Leadership Award

We are pleased to announce that the applications and nominations for the Marc Mitchell Innovation and Leadership Award are open. Apply or nominate by November 19, 2023. The award recognizes exceptional individuals early in their digital health career who have demonstrated a commitment to making quality care accessible in all settings, especially in low- and middle-income […]

GDHN November Meeting: Digital transformation lessons learned from the USAID funded Country Health Information Systems and Data Use Project and the Ethiopia Digital Health Activity

Description CHISU  is the flagship data and information system project of the USAID Bureau for Global Health, Office of Health Systems. The project works to strengthen host country capacity and leadership to manage and use high quality health information systems to improve evidence-based decision-making. CHISU aims to strengthen health information systems, interoperable information architecture and […]

Information Security for International Development Projects: How do we protect personal identifiable information when digital solutions are not available?-October Monthly Meeting

On October 12, 2023, GDHN held a monthly meeting with the theme, Information Security for International Development Projects: How do we protect personal identifiable information when digital solutions are not available? Description Strong information security is a critical component of the digital health landscape and is often strengthened with the use of cybersecurity tools for […]

Tech-Enabled Primary Health Care: Reimagining a client journey-September Monthly Meeting

The September meeting focused on tech-enabled primary health care: reimagining a client journey. Description Primary health care (PHC) is a vision for accessible, person-centered, comprehensive, and proactive health care that has evolved over the almost 45 years since its inception. After decades of stagnation, frontier technologies, data science, human-centered design, and private sector engagement are […]

Flexible Digitalization of Regulatory Authorities: August Monthly Meeting

The August meeting focused on, Flexible Digitalization of Regulatory Authorities, featuring a panel of experts. Description To increase efficiency and provide transparency for National Authorities, the OpenRIMS application suite provides a flexible digital platform to define institutional workflows and create interactive dashboards for processes from Marketing Authorization to Pharmacovigilance and Registration of Pharmacies and Manufacturers. […]

Are we part of the problem, or part of the solution? Digital health and the climate crisis-July Monthly Meeting

On Thursday, 27 July 2023, we convened a meeting with the theme, Are we part of the problem, or part of the solution? Digital health and the climate crisis Description Climate change – or more accurately, the climate and climate and ecological crisis – is the greatest threat to health this century. The digital health […]

Access To Infant And Maternal Health Plus-A Digital Journey Towards Strengthening Community Health Workers Programming: WEBINAR SLIDES AND RECORDING

On Thursday March 23rd, the Global Digital Health Network held a webinar on the lessons from the Access to Infant and Maternal Health Plus Project. The Access to Infant and Maternal Health Plus Project (AIM Health Plus) was a multi-year community-based health and nutrition programme implemented by World Vision and supported by Irish Aid. The […]

Meet Dr. Clarisse Mutimukeye, Recipient of the 2022 Marc Mitchell Award for Leadership and Innovation

Dr Clarisse Mutimukeye is a medical doctor and the co-founder of Urungano Initiative in Rwanda. She was awarded the Marc Mitchell Leadership and Innovation Award at the 2022 Global Digital Health Forum. We interviewed her to learn more about her work. Tell us about Urungano Initiative I founded my organization, Urungano Initiative in Rwanda when […]