
The Global Digital Health Network (GDHN) became an independent organization on June 27, 2019. The co-chairs, Board of Directors, and Advisory Council are actively reviewing the Network’s communication practices and membership, as well as assessing the above processes and current governance structure to reflect the membership of the GDHN membership.


President: Rose Nzyoka, MSc MPH | Palladium

Treasurer: Christina Villella, MPH | JSI

Secretary: Carol Kamasaka, MSc HI | PATH

Fundraising: Lauren Wall, MPH | PATH

Partnerships: Jai Ganesh Udayasankaran | AeHIN


  • Steve Ollis | JSI


Advisory Council

Voting Members








Non-Voting Members


Selection of Content and Speakers for Monthly Meetings:

Voting member organization representatives must: 
– Present at a monthly meeting, Deep Dive, or other non-Forum event

Curation of content, speakers, and abstracts for the Global Digital Health Forum:

Voting member organization representatives must: 
– Lead the planning and organization of a Forum track, plenary session, or other main event such as the Appy Hour or poster session

Voting member organization representatives, as well as non-voting members, must: 
– Participate in the review, scoring, and selection of abstracts for the Forum 
– Contribute content to the Network listserv

Please see below for links to the Global Digital Health Network By-Laws and associated Terms of Reference. 

Global Digital Health Network – Bylaws

Global Digital Health Network – Advisory Council Terms of Reference