May Monthly Meeting

The Global Digital Health Network May monthly meeting will focus on how to ensure the family planning/reproductive health content of your digital tool is the best it can be. The meeting will feature experts from FHI 360.

When: May 24, 2022, 08:00 AM Eastern Time


This meeting will include:

• Results from a content analysis of digital FP/RH client-facing tools conducted by the Research for Scalable Solutions (R4S) project, led by FHI 360. Hear about what types of content tools frequently got right, and which they often got wrong, with tips for how to conduct your own content analysis using a forthcoming quality assurance checklist.
• Presentation and discussion of the WHO’s Digital Adaptation Kit for family planning—FP/SRH counseling content from key WHO guidance documents distilled into a format that digital tool developers can use to create provider support tools—and the Youth-centered digital health framework—a great resource full of tips and tricks for developing quality digital content for adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
• Perspectives from an organization implementing digital tools for FP/SRH—what has worked for them to ensure continuous quality of content
• Perspectives from a donor on their role in supporting quality digital content